Brewing coffee with my Aeropress

Our instructions:

1. Heat your water to 200 degrees by bringing it to a boil and letting it sit for 60 seconds.

2. Place the filter inside the cap and rinse with hot water for 5 seconds. Rinsing the filter helps seal it inside the cap and also gets rid of any papery taste, discard the rinse water.

3. If using pre-ground coffee skip to Step 4. Otherwise, weigh out your whole bean coffee and grind it on a setting slightly finer than medium.

4. Assemble your Aeropress in the “inverted” position with the cap off. Inverting the standard position keeps coffee from leaking through the filter before it get ready. Pour your ground coffee into the Aeropress chamber and gently shake it back and forth to settle the grounds.

5. Start your timer and pour half of your water (120 grams) evenly over the grounds. Let it sit until your timer reads 45 seconds. This step is called the bloom. Hot water forces the coffee to release trapped gases, leading to expansion of the coffee bed, bubbling at the surface, and wonderful aromas for you to enjoy.

6. Fill the Aeropress all the way to the top, or until your scale reads 240 grams.

7. Stir gently for 5 seconds, then attach the cap (with filter) securely to the top of the chamber.

8. Once your timer reads 1:30, carefully flip the entire Aeropress over and place it on top of your mug. Before brewing for the first time, practice this motion with just water inside the chamber to get the hang of it. You want to find a smooth, quick motion that feels comfortable.

9. Press the plunger down slowly but steadily for about 20 seconds until you hear a hissing sound - that’s air escaping from the chamber. Remove the cap and discard the grounds and filter.