Brazil Dark Roast Coffee Beans - 100% Arabica Coffee Beans - Subtle Notes of Caramel Hazelnut Flavor with a Hint of Chocolate Aroma - Single Origin Coffee - Size Options: 450 Gram & 1 Kg

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Elevate your coffee experience with our exceptional Brazil dark roast whole coffee beans. Crafted from 100% Arabica coffee beans, these caramel hazelnut coffee beans are the epitome of quality and flavor. Indulge your senses with the subtle notes of caramel hazelnut, perfectly complemented by a hint of chocolate aroma. The heavenly aroma adds an extra layer of decadence to every sip.


Dark roast coffee beans are carefully selected and expertly roasted to bring out their bold and robust flavors. With these coffee beans dark roast, coffee connoisseurs can experience the intense and smoky notes that are characteristic of this roast. The deep aromas and full-bodied taste create a truly indulgent and satisfying coffee experience.

SMOOTH & RICH FLAVORED NOTES - This blend of Brazil dark roast coffee beans offers a truly indulgent experience for coffee lovers. With its smooth and rich flavor, every sip brings forth a delightful combination of chocolate aroma, nutty undertones, and a subtle hint of caramel. Whether enjoyed black or with a splash of cream, this coffee bean is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palates.

SPECIALITY BRAZILIAN COFFEE BEANS - The 100% Arabica strong coffee beans used in this roast are sourced from the high Cerrado, Brazil origin, ensuring a rich and full-bodied flavor. The coffee beans whole are meticulously chosen by hand, naturally pulped, and then expertly roasted to perfection. The humidity level is carefully maintained at 12% to preserve the beans' quality and freshness, resulting in a velvety and nuanced taste profile.

ETHICAL SOURCING - We support sustainable growth for our farmers sourcing premium coffee beans from selected farmlands in Latin America. Also, with the expertise from our UK Coffee Roaster which bringing to the roasted whole coffee beans an strong coffee flavor to get the most of this whole speciality dark roasted beans

SUITABLE FOR ALL BREWING METHODS - These fresh coffee beans are versatile and can be enjoyed through various brewing methods, including drip coffee makers, french presses, and espresso machines. It is specially crafted to bring out the best flavors and aromas. Whether you prefer a smooth and mellow cup or a bold and robust one, these coffee beans Arabica will deliver a consistently exceptional experience with each sip, no matter how you choose to prepare it.

ROASTED and PACKAGED IN THE UK - These coffee beans dark roast are packaged in an aeration valve, ensuring that the beans remain fresh and flavorful for an extended period of time. This one-way valve in the coffee bags allows excess carbon dioxide to escape while preventing oxygen from entering the bag. The elegant design of the packaging also makes it a great gift for coffee lovers.


  • Single Origin: 100% Arabica
  • Quality Score: 83 points
  • Region: High Cerrado, Brazil
  • Variety: Yelow Icatu, Bourboun & Typica
  • Elevation: 1200 m
  • Process: Natural pulped
  • Dry process: Natural and Mechanical
  • Humidity: 12%
  • Beans selection: Manual

Our aim is to provide you with the highest quality coffee beans that are sourced from the best regions around the world. We ensure that our flavoured coffee beans are meticulously selected, processed, and roasted to perfection, so that every cup of coffee you enjoy is rich, aromatic, and full of flavor. We take pride in delivering an indulgent and satisfying coffee experience that will leave you wanting more.